Friday, January 30, 2009


this trip was extra nice , notice the blue sky, it is the first time we have seen it since before christmas, ans we even seen the stars last night. very rare this ime of year. the temp is about -34.
This is russia's idea of a conveience store, chain of gilly's

they love their colors, there are alot of bright painted buildings

this one is out side of a village not far from Novosibirsk, they like to be noticed if they have a reason. the country is open and rolling ,lot f birch trees with area's of thick pines. miles and miles of open country between the cities, villiages are all different sizes, with some that are amazingly large . miles of homes on very small lots, with things piled and stack on top of each other,

took these pictures as we were busing thru the coutry
The elders found these Prophet dolls for Sister Bowden
They will get a special meal and treat out of this, she is a good one to do something special for...

This is one of the buses we ride, some are very new, some are very. very, very old, This one had problems and we didn't have
heat. It was an interesting ride for 4 hours. This is down the street
from our apartment, we were out for a short walk. nice day
Sister Bowden has on 5 layers of clothing under the light coat, she wanted to try something besides her heavy coat. she is wearing the heavy coat and the layers today.

Russia has the most interesting lights, these are the bedroom,

living room, bedroom wall reading lights. they are most
definently a conversation piece. we talk about them quite often,

Sunday, January 18, 2009

the Elders sang this at sacrament today, so

we asked them to sing it at the fireside, tomarrow is

transfers, and we loose 2 of them, we dislike transfers.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

oh come on gil, lets try it !!!!!

a horse and buggy in every country

kids having fun, they love winter in Sibereia, check out the handy sliders

big bother is always present

large ice, snow sculptures
people stick small coins all over sculptures, others come along and
collect them

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

These ice sculptures have lights behind them and they are different colors at night
we decided to take the pictures of these during the day, we will get some in Novosibirsk
at night, we will be there in a couple weeks.