Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Youth conference, girls just want to have fun, some of the senior couples

Youth conference was enjoyable, young adults met many other youth that live with the same

situation as they do, new members, only members of their familys , that are members of the church. They will be a strong foundation to the church in Russia.

Here are some more pictures , some of youth, senior couples, and heidi having some fun dancing.

We had to have a picture of the panda, We still don't know what he was suppose to represent at the night of romantic dancing ?????

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Typical Russian Construction

  • Heidi and some of the girls
  • on the train to the youth conference. bed time.

Train station in Krasnoyarsk , waiting for the buses and the other 200 kids

some of the young adults in our branch . Shasha. front right is a new member of 2 months ,she helps us alot everywheres we go. Natasha in the gray is the young adult leader and as help us in alot of ways, I call her for alot of answers.

If you look close, you will notice that the girls are wearing my coat, suit coat, jacket, Doesn't matter where I am, my girls need me to take care of them. Its July 22 10am 38 degrees.
Lenia next to me as been amember 3 months, Uliania and Ksashay have been members for a few years, they are all the ,only members of their families.

Heidi and I were the hit of the skits. It was a skit about a typical primary class, I was a 2 year old, Heidi a 3 year old.

My reward for being a good sport at the fireside at our apartment.

One of my favorite buildings in Tomsk. Love the brick work.

Hard day at the office,
trying to avoid the snow
in the middle of July

Snow in middle of july