Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Typical Russian Construction

  • Heidi and some of the girls
  • on the train to the youth conference. bed time.

Train station in Krasnoyarsk , waiting for the buses and the other 200 kids

some of the young adults in our branch . Shasha. front right is a new member of 2 months ,she helps us alot everywheres we go. Natasha in the gray is the young adult leader and as help us in alot of ways, I call her for alot of answers.

If you look close, you will notice that the girls are wearing my coat, suit coat, jacket, Doesn't matter where I am, my girls need me to take care of them. Its July 22 10am 38 degrees.
Lenia next to me as been amember 3 months, Uliania and Ksashay have been members for a few years, they are all the ,only members of their families.

Heidi and I were the hit of the skits. It was a skit about a typical primary class, I was a 2 year old, Heidi a 3 year old.

My reward for being a good sport at the fireside at our apartment.

One of my favorite buildings in Tomsk. Love the brick work.

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