Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Riga was a great place to visit, Old Buildings, relaxed atsmosphere, the city was very clean and neat, the people were laid back and friendly, the country side out away from the city was very enjoyable to drive thru, many picturest settings.
as you can see from the pictures. there is a variety of things to see and enjoy. The city is very tight and crowded with the buildings, but you do not feel like you are boxed in. very relaxing to walk around and absorb. Many old war time structure's that have been renevated.

We went to a 3 hour Opera, it was very well done and the Theater was very beautifully inside and out. they even had english caption above the stage for us that did not know Latvian.

River front views as we took a river boat ride

many different roof lines, old buildings from war time's

quiet country side settings, fields of mustard seed

Duke castles and gardens

There are lots of storks in Riga
If they build a nest around your
yard ,it is good luck. if they build
it on your house, someone in your house hold will die
they like to let them build them
any where's except on the house

many old paintings through out the old castles